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Set Up Stridelength

You have two possibilities:


Via VitaDock®+ App:

Start the VitaDock®+ App and press on the Bluetooth icon at the upper right corner. If you already paired your device a gear symbol should appear next to your ViFit Connect Activity Tracker. If you press it you enter the device settings where you can set up your stridelength. 

Via VitaDock Online:

Step 1:


Start your VitaDock® PC/MAC software.


Step 2:


Plug in the USB cable to your PC/MAC.

Connect the ViFit® Connect to the concerned contacts.


Step 3:



Choose the option to view your data online.


Step 4:

In the "Settings" section choose "ViFit".


Step 5:

In the section "STRIDE" you can set/change your stridelength (in cm).

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